Partiopeli-ilta 30.10. klo 17.00

Iltama on yhdistyksemme aktiivien järjestämä ja tarkoitettu yhdistyksen jäsenille. Huomioithan, että illan kieli on englanti ja, että sinne pyydetään ilmoittautumaan.

We are playing a short scout games and then afterwards a night scout outdoor stealth and strategy game near Halinen. In the night game, two teams have to complete a route without being seen by each other and still arrive in time.

It is important wear appropriate clothing, which means warm and ideally dark clothes, that can get dirty and shoes that you can run in.

When: 30.10 17:00 for short games, 18:30 for night game

Sign up:

Start point short games:  Halinen Bridge, exact point here:

Start point night game: Forest close to Halinen, exact point here:

Rules for night game:

Route for night game:

We can only play the night game with around 10 people, so please register in advance. If you have a favorite scout game that you want to play in the future, let us also know.

Kategoria(t): Tapahtumat Avainsana(t): , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.