Success for APK in the 2021 TYY Hall of Fame

APK won the TYY International Award at the TYY Hall of Fame 2021 for its activities. In addition, APK received an honourable mention in the category Champion of Events and Student Culture!

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Trip to Friskala

Join us on the APK trip on Saturday 9th April 2022! This time we’re going to Paavonpolut (Paavo’s trails) in Friskala. The walking distance of the route is about 7 kilometers.

We start our trip from the Friskalanlahti parking area (address: Vihtiläntie 10) at 11:30am. We’ll travel there together with the Föli bus 55 that leaves from Kauppatori (Market square) pier T14 in Turku at 11:13 am. The route ends where we began and we’ll try to make it back to Kauppatori bus stop in Turku with the Föli bus 54 leaving at 1:52 pm. 

The trip is free for members who have paid their membership fee (you can also join during the trip!), or you can pay just for the trip in which case the participation fee is 5 €. We provide small snacks. Everyone should take with them a bottle of water and other snacks as necessary. Register today with the form at !

If you’re late, notify us via phone at 050 530 7256 so we’ll know to wait for you.

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Ice swimming event on Wednesday 16th March in Ruissalo

APK organises an ice swimming event with sauna on Wednesday 16th March at 5-7 pm – welcome to relax with us! The sauna is located in Ruissalo and the address is Tammirannantie 39. You can join the event by bus number 8 which leaves from Puutori-bus stop at 16.35. You can also travel by your own ride if you wish so. The participation fee for the event is 5 euros for APK-members and 10 euros for non-members. You can also become a member of APK at the venue.

You will need at least an own towel, swimsuit, and water bottle on the event. This event suits for experienced winter swimmers as well as for beginners! For the sake of your and others’ health, come only if you feel healthy.

There is a pre-registration for the event ( The registration closes on 15th March at 11.59 pm.

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 Spring general meeting on March 24th at 6 pm

The spring general meeting of Academic Scout Guild will be held on Thursday 24th March starting at 6 pm. The meeting will take place at restaurant Proffan kellari (Rehtorinpellonkatu 6). It is also possible to join via Zoom. The meeting will primarily be held in Finnish.

If you want to participate to the meeting via Zoom you have to pre-registrate for the meeting by sending e-mail to or by phone (050 302 3180) and you will receive a link to the Zoom-meeting. The identity of the participants will be controlled by audio or video if needed. If you encounter some problems, you can contact us by phone (050 302 3180), both before and during the meeting.

You can find the invitation and the agenda of the general meeting (in Finnish) below.

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Trip to Maaria on Saturday 12th March

APK will go on a hiking trip to the surroundings of Maarian allas on Saturday 12th March starting at 1 pm. The walking distance of the hike is about six kilometres. The nature trail called Maarian kivikautinen polku runs through varied terrain and along it we will get to enjoy diverse and historic landscapes – perhaps we’ll also spot some first signs of spring.

You can join our trip by bus 22A, which leaves from Puutori bus stop at 12.30. If you arrive by car, the address is Paimalantie 369, Turku. We will gather at the parking lot at 1 pm and then start the hike together. The trip is free for members of the association, and the participation fee for others is 5 euros. You can become a member of APK on the spot, too. We offer participants small snacks; please bring your own water bottle and other snacks according to your need. Remember also to dress according to the weather and note that wet and slippery areas may be encountered along the route.

You can register for the trip by filling in the registration form ( The last day for registration is 11th March.

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APK sledding trip on Saturday 11th February

Apk’s February trip to Hirvensalo’s sledding hill will take place on Saturday 12 February.  The sledding hill can be found next to the ski resort at Kakskerrantie 111.

You can join with our Boardmember Ida, who will travel to the ski resort by bus number 53, which leaves from the University of Turku stop at 1.13 pm.  If you want to come on your ride, we will gather at the ski resort parking lot at 2 pm and go downhill from there.

Sledding is free for APK members, 5 euros for non-members (you can also join on-site for 5 euros).  APK offers “Laskiaispulla” as well as juice.  The ski resort also has a café where you can buy snacks of your own. Please bring your sled, it can easily be built from cardboard and garbage bags!

There is a pre-registration for the trip here.  The closing date for registration is Friday 11.2.  at 11:59 p.m.

Please join us only if you’re healthy and remember to wear clothes according to the weather.

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APK goes skating on Saturday 29th!

APK organises a skating trip to the Kupittaa ”skating worm” (luistelumato) on Saturday 29th January starting at 2pm. You can rent skates at the venue. There aren’t any indoor facilities at the venue, so make sure you have weather-appropriate clothes on. In case of bad weather, the event will be cancelled.

APK offers rental skates for its members, others pay the normal rental fee. You can become a member of APK at the event (membership fee 5 €). You can also use your own skates.

We’ll meet at the rental booth at 2pm. You can also join us later – just find the APK sign! No preregistration needed.

Please join us only if you’re healthy and take care of good hygiene.

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APK pre-Christmas glögg serving on 16th December

The Academic Scout Guild (APK) is serving glögg on Thursday 16th December from 12pm till 4pm in front of Ylioppilastalo (YO-talo) B near the entrance to the Proffan kellari pub (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B ). Come say hi to other members, ask about our activities and enjoy a cup of warm glögg! 🙂
Doesn’t matter if you’re a member or not – you’re warmly welcome.

The serving will be cancelled if the weather is too uninviting due to rain or other elements.

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Trip to Katariinanlaakso on Saturday 27th November

Join us on the APK trip on Saturday 27th November 2021! This time we’re heading to Katariinanlaakso and Vaarniemi. On the trail we get to gaze at the diverse nature and views of the nature reserve. The combined walking distance of the trip is about 7 kilometers.

The trip starts from the Katariinanlaakso parking lot at 10.45am. We’ll travel there together with the Föli bus no 13 that leaves from the Kåren bus stop in Turku. The route ends at the starting place, from which we’ll travel back to Kåren together after 3pm.

The trip is free for members who have paid their membership fee (you can also join during the trip!), or you can pay just for the trip in which case the participation fee is 5 €. We provide small vegetarian snacks. Everyone should take with them a bottle of water, a mug or cup and other snacks as necessary.

Register today with the form at!

If you’re late, notify us via phone at 040 961 3568, so we’ll know to wait for you.

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APK general assembly on Monday 22nd November at 6pm

The Akateeminen partiokilta arranges it’s general assembly on Monday, 22nd November at 6 pm. The meeting will be held at Proffan Kellari (Rehtorinpellonkatu 6, Turku) and also via Zoom.

In the meeting we will elect the board for the next year and approve next year’s budget and action plan. The official language for the meeting is Finnish. We will however try to interpret major points of the meeting also in English if there are non-Finnish-speakers attending.

If you are interested in arranging hikes and trips, the board might be the place for you! If you have questions, feel free to contact us at!

The documents are available in the Finnish article.

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