Autumn trip on 16th October

Join us on the APK autumn trip on Saturday 16th October 2021! This time we’re going to Ankka–Nautela trail in Lieto. On the trip we get to gaze at the tallest rapid of Aurajoki and get to know the Lieto nature. Note that the walking distance of the route is about 10 kilometers, but the route isn’t too difficult terrain-wise.

We start our trip from the Nautelankoski parking area at 11:15am. We’ll travel there together with the Föli bus 602 that leaves from Puutori station in Turku at 10:19 am. The route ends near the Ankka suburb and we’ll try to make it back to the University bus stop in Turku with the Föli bus 6 leaving the suburb at either 5:20pm or 5:50pm. 

The trip is free for members who have paid their membership fee (you can also join during the trip!), or you can pay just for the trip in which case the participation fee is 5 €. We provide small snacks. Everyone should take with them a bottle of water and other snacks as necessary. Register today with the form at !

You can check out the route beforehand here (unfortunately only in Finnish):

If you’re late, notify us via phone at 050 378 0711 so we’ll know to wait for you.

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Mushroom-picking trip to Raisio on 7th October 2021

Join us on the APK mushroom-picking trip on Thursday 7th October 2021! Our trip is to Hauninen basin (Haunisten allas) in Raisio. On the trip we’ll try to find some of the most common edible mushrooms in Finland and see how to identify them. The trip is not, however, a complete course for mushroom-picking and everyone is responsible for the mushrooms they pick – because of this we suggest that everyone purchases a mushroom guide book or application that you can use to practice identifying different mushrooms together with the trip guides.

We’ll leave to the trip from the Hauninen basin (Haunisten allas) parking lot at 4pm. You can get there for example using the Föli bus number 300, which leaves the Puutori PT2 stop at 3pm. The final stop of the bus line is Mylly, from which it’s about a half an hour walk to the starting point. We’ll return from the trip 7pm latest to the starting point (parking lot), from which you can walk back to Mylly and take a bus to Turku.

The trip is free. Everyone should take at least a water bottle and other snacks as necessary with them. Additionally we suggest taking with you a basket or plastic bag and a small knife (preferably a mushroom knife, ie. one with a brush in the other end). Additionally we suggest purchasing mushroom guide book or application, which you can learn to use on the trip. Register today with the registration form!

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Trip to Pähkinäpolku on 18th September 2021

Join us on the APK autumn trip on Saturday 18th September 2021! This time we’re going to Pähkinäpolku (Hazel trail) in Raisio. On the trip we also get to enjoy some coffee, grilled sausage and wonder at the forests and groves of the Hazel hill.

We start our trip in Tikanmaa, Raisio at 12:10. We’ll travel together with the Föli bus number 6 which leaves from the Yliopisto (university) stop in front of U-hospital at 11:13 am. We return from the trip at around 3pm to the same place and walk from the to the bus stop and return to the University stop.

The trip is free for members who have paid their membership fee (you can also join during the trip!), or you can pay just for the trip in which case the participation fee is 5 €. We provide the coffee and snacks. Everyone should take with them a bottle of water and other snacks as necessary. Register today with the registration form!

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Spring general meeting on March 24th 5pm online


The spring general meeting of the association will be held on Wednesday 24th March starting at 5pm. Due to the circumstances the meeting is held online in Slack. If you haven’t yet joined the Slack team for our members, you can join here – the link will expire, but should work at least until the meeting. Do contact us if the link doesn’t work for one reason or another.

Attached are the invitation and the agenda for the general meeting. The document is officially only available in Finnish, but send us an email at if you’d like to have an English translation.

Best regards,
Jyri Niemi
Chairperson of the board
Akateeminen partiokilta ry

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Trip to Ruissalo 6.2.2021

APK is arranging a trip to Ruissalo on Saturday 6th February at 11 o’clock. We meet at Honkapirtti, where you can eat lunch (not included in the price). We decide the exact route together at the start and start from Honkapirtti at 11:45 am. You can easily get there with the Föli buses. (Note that Föli recommends wearing a mask in the buses.)

Mid-trip we’ll make some coffee with a camping stove and enjoy a bun with some condiments.

The trip is free for our members. You can join the association during the event. There is a small cover fee of 5 € to non-members. There are 20 places for the trip, register here.

For more information email

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